Here’s my bold statement

I believe we can have it all.

Because what “it all” means is drastically different from person to person and what is the point of life if we’re not going after what we want?

I write about that pursuit here on Medium and on my site

Covering topics including:


Thirty-something Irish woman who recently absconded to Dubai in search of glamour, heat and a different life. An international financial advisor by trade, I’m slowly switching my life over to that of an online creator so I can spend my time how I want. Having an employer, or a manager for that matter does not agree with me.

I’ve dragged myself from couch surfing, homeless, unemployed wreck to where I am now and I’m so excited to see where I’m going next.

Champagne & Dividends is for you if

Champagne & Dividends is for those who have ever strongly contemplated a sugar daddy, selling pictures of their feet on the internet or have googled “onlyfans” so many times google now predicts it.

There’s nothing wrong with any of the above — but only if you WANT TO.

Around here it’s all about living on your own terms, owning who you are and fastening the strings on your corset as you dominate your life (riding crop optional).

Because balding, white men in navy Mercedes are no longer the be-all and end-all of what to do. And questions no longer need to be directed past us to anyone with meat and two spuds between their legs.

We have more money and more options, take up more positions of leadership and generally tend to actually make the financial decisions at home.

So here, we’re making the space for women (and other marginalised genders) to look at their options and make educated decisions that truly benefit them in building their champagne lifestyle or whatever else their heart desires.

Where you can find me

I love to create so I’m pretty much everywhere

I also like to dabble on Reddit and Quora and my YouTube is a bit of a slow burner — but we’ll get there.

My Writing

My most popular pieces are

My favourite pieces are

Fun facts about yours truly

McDonald's would be my last meal if I ever ended up on death row. McDonald's and Champagne.

Youtube is my guilty pleasure.

Money to me means Security & Freedom.

I’ve been tippy-tappying the keyboard for the last 10 years. None of my written work is available anywhere online.

But I’ve kept it ALL.

If I wasn’t in the financial world I’d be a burlesque artist because OMG — the glam.

I’m the handyman in my house because men just don’t have the sense of urgency that’s needed to get it done.

I do not go in the ocean/sea/deep blue- that’s not our world and we are not top of the food chain there.

Balloons and Champagne are two of my favourite things. Confetti is a close 3rd. Maybe I just like celebrations.

And that’s it

That’s me in a nushell. If you like what you see stick around. If not — thanks for stopping by.