Finding Empathy for Myself, now I know I have ADHD

3 min readApr 11, 2023
Photo by Chen Mizrach on Unsplash

Say what you want about TikTok and its brainwashing abilities, but its algorithm diagnosed my ADHD first.

Prior to this revelation my self-diagnosis was simple. Chronic fuck-up with growing amounts of anxiety, and extreme procrastination — oftentimes dubbed ”analysis paralysis” to make myself feel better.

ADHD Tok is funny because it’s relatable. I would swipe to the next video thinking “that’s not ADHD, that’s normal”. I guess that’s what makes it so complex. A lot of the symptoms are experienced by people at large in some form or another.

It’s not a common diagnosis though, especially for women.

I should say it’s a common diagnosis for women, it’s not common for it to be noticed in young girls. Society see’s ADHD as a hyperactive young boy. Young girls are to sit quietly and prepare to become good supports for men, and if they don’t fit that mould they’re deemed troublesome.

Women, once again, need to step up for themselves and figure shit out.

So I did.

After nearly 15 years of failing through life with no solid reason other than the “fuck-up” diagnosis. I booked myself in for an assessment.

Relief is what I was hoping for

