One Month in: Building a Successful Niche Website from Scratch

3 min readApr 17, 2023

The first payment I ever received from my own work at building something online was for a corset. Not one of the beautiful old-school, steel-boned corsets but one of those rubber Kim-Kardashian ones that came in neon pink, neon blue, and black.

A week later I shut down the site.

Months of effort went down the drain because there was no market in Ireland for steel-boned corsets (hint: do proper research before spending money) and the science showed these rubber things didn’t work (hint: don’t sell crap).

This was not my first attempt and neither would it be my last. It was, however, my only profitable venture (profitable is a strong word, I definitely lost money, but my only venture where I made money).

It was also the venture where I realized that I cannot and will not make money that screws people over.

Maybe that’s why I’ve not made money since.

The Plan

This time around I’m focusing on the things I paid little attention to before — Getting people to my site. Organic Traffic. SEO. No more paid ads or attempting to build an Instagram account.

The project is simple in theory

  • Build a niche site that ranks

